The Rip Van Wrinkler, Volume XX, Issue 3, August 2016

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Keeping Cool. . . .

Sunny Hess

Trill Marsicano, 2004

Liner Marsicano

Luke & Harely Dering

Hank Silver

Harry Culver, with Kunjo & Obike
Harrison Harlan

Indy-Bing Harlan
Lucky MacMillan

Lucky, evening swim
Irina Kuvshinova Karly Joslin
Lady Grewe Lady & Elahi Grewe

2001 or 2, Annelies Kamen with Apu dogs

Tempest Stewart

Andiamo Allen

Tippy Allen says Ack! I dont like all that water!!
The poor dead seal on the beach didnt help sway her that this actually should be a fun place to be.

Stella & Guiness Bradley at South Hampton Beach

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