The Rip Van Wrinkler, XIX, Issue 2, May 2015

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The “Outside In ..... Inside Out"

contest winners.

Flora Marshall - Inside, out.

"See the bunny." Photo by Irina Kuvshinova

Miranda Marshall

Dana & Ch'ami 't Mannetje

"No way I can go out there." Natalie Culver

"Obike on his 7th birthday, with my reflection." Natalie Culver
Hannah Culver & her dogs Finch Ockerman, "inside, looking out."
Tippy Allen, waiting for that bird... Patiently... Tippy Tapping Toes waiting for the chirpers....
Tutu Christensen.
Eunice Ockerman photo of Jenn Behrens's Iggys. More Iggys

"Triple Misery" 2005 S K-M photo

Holley Olsson

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