The Rip Van Wrinkler,
XXIII, Issue I, February 2019


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"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be. But performance indicates what the animal actually is." Anonymous



My first basenji, Bomabwa Blushing Bride, born in 1973, was really smart. She was also stubborn, and if not pleased with me, she'd sit herself in a corner, with her back to me. I understood her opinions easily.

Chris O'Rear A visiting friend was so very amused when Rafiki decided to get his pout on and sat with his back to her and totally tuned her out! Once the cookies came out the game changed.

Karla Schreiber Reminds me of my first B. It was way back in the early 90's and I was SO proud of him for completing the requirements to visit nursing and veteran's homes as a therapy dog! When I took him for our initial visits? He sat with his back to everyone. Nope! He was NOT a therapy dog despite the fact he could pass the tests!

Jackie Dering

Note to Luke. It is raining outside all of the doors.

Harley walk story. Yesterday two Swarthmore students stopped us to meet Harley.She yodeled and wiggled and generally was encouraged by their reaction to keep it up. One of them said she’s quite the ham. Then Harley stole her glove.

Harley has now trained me to bring her meal when she digs on her eating mat. No clicker or anything.

Kim McNeill

"So this year I got a Christmas octopus. I got one on my very first Christmas, but all the arms fell off and . . . "

"Devon, I don't think the arms just 'fell off' I think they had help."

"That's not how I remember it. We were just playing and all of a sudden the arms started coming off. Anyway, maybe this year's Christmas octopus will keep his arms a little longer."

Joe Stewart

Wadda Ya Mean We’re Heavy? Keep your opinions to yourself Bald Mattress!

Some sounds are just heart hugs. The soft snoring of your fur baby on your chest is one of those.

Lotta Olsson

When they are taking a nap?

Uschi Grewe

Just walked Lela and AJ...
and what was coming ? a ferret on a flexi ?
Can you imagine how our doggies behaved?

The young lady asked, are they afraid?
Me: no they want to kill it!

Luisa Ghetti

Ci piace il termosifone quando fa buio
We like the radiator when it's dreary.


Here's my girl Blush, in 1974, doing exactly the same.

Debby Mayer & Sizzle

{Ed. This repeats from November, as is still relevant}
Sizzle: If I sit here long enugh, this fan will turn into a heater .......


Debby: Around the corner, in the bedroom

S (pokes head around corner): I couldn't see you. Oh . . . you're making the bed.

D: Yes.

S: That means we have to walk around in the cold for an hour.

D: The rain has stopped.

S: Small favor. You said we would go someplace warm.

D: Walking in the cold is what gets us there.

S: Can we go to the coffee bar?

D: I was thinking we would. But you have to poop first.

S: It's too wet to pee, let alone poop.

D: No coffee bar till you poop . . .


Sizzle: It was time for us to lean together, on the couch, and you weren’t there.

D: I was making my dinner!

S: No excuse.

*All conversations with Sizzle are verbatim.

Debby: Sizzle, I don't know how I'm going to get us out of here.

Sizzle: You'll think of something, Debby.

D: —Thank you, Sizzle dear. Want to help prewash the utensils in the dishwasher?

S: Yeah, [Slurp-slurp-slurp . . . ]

Tamara Allen

Someone is giving me that "put down the phone and let's go" look.

but then, Tippy can floss with pine needles.


At the Culvers

In Italia, at Nirvana and Pollon Ghetti.

Amalia Roma

I walked out of the room for less than two minutes and return to find that one of the dogs (definitely Newton) has not only exited Direct TV but started Netflix (two step process)... part of me wishes I’d come back a little later to see what he chose to watch.

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Pi Butterworth